Thursday, 9 February 2012

One Door Closes

Blimey! Have I really not blogged since October, well just a quick update that everything at my new church is going swimmingly. I'm now singing with the choir at the Sung Eucharist service most weeks! Anyway today was a bit of a watershed moment in the ongoing saga.

So I'd been feeling quite a bit lately that I still had unfinished business with my old church and I've even been having regular dreams about it. Today out of the blue I got a letter (which I note was dated 25th January even though it was only posted yesterday) signed by my ex-minister basically saying that the church was conducting a membership review and had decided to move me onto a list of associate members (people who've recently stopped regular attendance). The letter goes on to say that if I were to return to regular attendance I would instantly be able to resume full membership (and the privileges that go with that such as voting rights at church meetings) without having to go through the application process however if I did not return within 12 months I would automatically cease to be a member.

The next paragraph which felt almost like it was goading me said:

"Richard if you have made the decision that you no longer want to be a member of [name of church], and you have no intention of coming back to the church, you can resign your membership with immediate effect."

Two paragraphs later he has the nerve to add:

"You are still very much welcome at [name of church]"

Anyway I've responded. Sent an email to the minister and three deacons (I still hate my ex-minister so don't want to engage in a solo discussion with him):

Dear all,

In response to the letter I have received today dated 25th January, I am writing to confirm my intention to resign my membership of [name of church]. I am now in regular attendance at St John's and will be continuing to worship there for the foreseeable future.

Kind Regards,

Richard Brinck-Johnsen

So that's gone into the ether and with it a difficult chapter of my life has finally come to an end. As the biblical saying goes "As one door closes, another opens".